Law and Issues                                   Vocabulary 2                                       Mr. Thacker


                        Unit 3                                                  Chapter 38-42            


Identify and/or Explain


  1. Censorship
  2. Gag order
  3. Prior restraint
  4. FOIA
  5. “shield laws”
  6. Public forums
  7. Tinker v. Des Moines SD
  8. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
  9. Penological
  10. Establishment clause
  11. Free-exercise clause
  12. “wall of separation”
  13. “endorsement test”
  14. belief v. action
  15. Wisconsin v. Yoder
  16. Due Process
  17. Procedural due process
  18. Substantive due process
  19. INA
  20. Goss v. Lopez
  21. “zones of privacy”
  22. Lawrence v. Texas
  23. FERPA
  24. FOIA
  25. Privacy Act
  26. USA Patriot Act
  27. Roe v. Wade
  28. Planned Parent v. Casey




1.  List three factors required in certain situations regarding procedural due process. (6)